First goal is 70kg. Final goal is 60kg

Monday, April 11, 2011

Starting to get on top of it

Can't believe it is April and I have just started to lose weight again. Better late than never though. It has taken me a while to get back into eating smaller meals and less snacks. Each day I cut back a bit more. It is interesting how I can eat much more than I need. Survival thing I suppose. Cutting back goes against instinct so to get back to a 5000kJ diet it has to happen gradually so my body and brain can accept it. That's my reasoning anyway :)
Eating less meat is a help. I like beans and lentils and vege stuff and it fills me up with less kJ than meat. I have started to eat meat once a day now. I still like some empty kJ. I don't think I will ever get to the stage where I don't want unhealthy things.


  1. Hello Val,

    Good luck with it all.
    Happy days.

  2. Hello Val,

    I know what you mean about trying to lose weight, I too am trying to shed a few pounds, I always gain weight over the winter months. Comfort eating when the weather is cold, that's my excuse anyway.

    I have put my scales away and don't weigh myself as I find it very demoralising if I havn't lost
    anything, I can tell if I am losing weight by my clothes getting loose and that is a nice feeling. I find eating more protein and vegetables works better for me, than carbs.
    Chocolate is my big downfall, but now that Easter is over and all the choccy eggs are eaten, it should be easier.

    Stick with it and you will win through.
    Best wishes Eileen


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