First goal is 70kg. Final goal is 60kg

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Too much to eat

76.4kg today Friday 8th Oct

I decided to save some of my prawns for dinner this time. Last time we had prawns I ate them all at lunch and felt way too full. I also felt the need for coffee and chocolate in the afternoon so my dilemma was how to keep the kJ under control. But by the time I ate the 6 prawns I had saved for dinner I didn't feel like anything else. I had my pear before bed and totalled about 5500kJ for the day.
Needless to say I was able to lose weight so I am now hoping that I can at least maintain the 76.4 til Sunday and that will mean I will have lost 0.5 kg in a week.
We have been counting kJ for about 6 weeks now and we are both finding it easier to judge and juggle to keep between 5000 and 6000kJ for the day. I know that I can keep this up until I get to my goal weight of 58 kg.
We have decided that we won't officially count on Christmas day and Boxing day because we want to have all those Christmassy things like cake, pudding, ice cream, chocolate, cocktails. I did a quick count of what all my wants would add up to and it came to about 14000kJ for one day. Funnily though when I looked over the list I was thinking 'How can I possibly find room for all this?'. So maybe it won't be such a big blowout after all. It is fun to look forward to a free day and imagine all the treats we can have. I don't have any desire to break out earlier because I really want to get down to 72kg by Christmas. I can remember winter 18 months ago I was 72kg and I felt great so that is what motivates me to get there again.

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