First goal is 70kg. Final goal is 60kg

Monday, September 13, 2010

Reducing kJ even more

I managed two days at 6300kJ and maintained my weight. The next day was 7600kJ and I put on 1/2 a kilo. I am moving up and down between 78.9 and 78.2 kg. It is pretty frustrating. Today I have cut back to 5300kJ. It is hard to fit in anything yummy but I still managed to have a piece of banana and walnut cake.
Today I had 1/4 cup of porridge a pear and banana cake before lunch. Then 1/4 homemade chicken pizza and Mountain bread with 1/2 an avocado. Fresh orange juice for afternoon tea then pumpkin soup and Mountain bread with half an avocado for dinner. I will have a pear before bed.

The menu was low in protein today. I will have some sausages and beans for lunch tomorrow, porridge for breakfast and chickpeas and tomato for dinner with avocado on Mountain bread. I have several little avocados that I have to eat quickly.

I have been a bit lethargic lately. I have been making sure I have some vitamin B and my Thyroplex capsules. I still take my vitalzym to help keep the blood flowing. When I don't feel great I think about my varicose veins and tendancy to get blood clots, my thyroid inefficiency, my heart murmur and now my thinning hair and my indigestion nearly every night. The last few nights I have had trouble sleeping so it is hard to be positive. But I get over it. My thyroplex and vitamin B help I think. Today was better.

I am looking forward to being 78.2kg tomorrow.

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